
  • Amalia Nur Fadila STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
  • Dharlinda Suri Damiri STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
  • Rizka Puspita Sari STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung


Emotions, Adjustments, Bisexual


This study aims to find out the problems that occur in bisexual women in regulating emotions and self-adjustment.  This study used qualitative research.  This case study research was carried out in Bandar Lampung City, the subject lived in a settlement where there was little interaction with neighbors.  The time of this study starts from December to February 2022 where the time is used as an initial stage assessment.  The results of this study concluded that there were two attitudes that occurred in the subject of LU after knowing that he was bisexual, namely, a sense of wanting to refuse and a sense of comfort to live. The subject is someone who can change the state of regulation of negative emotions into positive ones. Environmental and family conditions also greatly influence the subject's state of self-adjustment because they have a feeling of acceptance and those who have different sexual orientations tend to be more closed off and keep their distance from people who refuse bisexual. In addition, the subject also believes that this situation is difficult to accept in society.   So far, the existence of LGBT in the city of Bandar Lampung has caused pros and cons but more cons than pros, this is because sexual deviant behavior is opposed by law, religion, and customs in Indonesia. The LGBT community assumes that this state of sexual deviance is not a disease but a destiny they live.


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How to Cite

Nur Fadila, A. ., Suri Damiri , D. ., & Puspita Sari, R. . (2022). REGULASI EMOSI DAN PENYESUAIAN DIRI PADA WANITA BISEKSUAL DI BANDAR LAMPUNG. Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Bimbingan Konseling (JIMBK), 4(1), 1–13. Retrieved from