individual counseling, mental health of broken home students, behavioral techniquesAbstract
The harmony of parental relationships will have a good effect on the development of a child, and vice versa. Those who are always busy with their families will maintain good relations with their children. This kind of situation is sustainable, so it can be said that it is a broken home. what happened to the student MP, who became a victim of a broken home over These are her parents. The purpose of this research is to find out how mentally healthy students who experience a broken home are by using individual counseling services. This study uses a qualitative approach. And the data collection techniques used are interviews, documentation, and observation. The research approach used is a qualitative approach method. Based on the results of this study, it can be stated that the consequences of a broken home have no effect on a child's mental health. This mental health will also affect the child's interest in learning, his attitude in the neighborhood and at school, as well as his development for the future. Also, the final result of providing individual counseling services with behavioral techniques shows that it can have an effect on broken home students. This can be seen from the significant difference in results before and after the provision of these services. Description of the nature and behavior of broken home students before being given treatment in the form of behavioral counseling services in a better direction.
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