Increase Self-Confidence, Group Guidance, Assertive TrainingAbstract
Self-confidence is a very important aspect for a person to be able to develop his potential. Low self-confidence will result in the development of potential experienced by students to be slow because students do not dare to express opinions, class X students of SMK Negeri Padang Cermin still tend to be afraid to ask the teacher and tend to close themselves With the lack of self-confidence earlier, students will definitely lose the motivation to rise and advance in themselves and what is certain is that also the talents and abilities that exist in themselves will not come out and develop, In this study, researchers used the Counseling Guidance Action Research Method with Assertive Training Techniques through Group Guidance Services. In order to achieve maximum results researchers through 2 cycles each cycle there are 2 meetings, the data collection method can be through the observation stage, interviews with several sources and also the results of questionnaire analysis. This research produced results that were in accordance with the wishes of the researchers so that students could develop and students' self-confidence gradually increased, starting from the first cycle some students still had less self-confidence until the second cycle stage the students' self- confidence increased and research with the Assertive Technique was also successful. Researchers hope that after receiving this Group Guidance Service, students can influence student achievement scores and students can increase students' interests and talents as well as research on increasing self-confidence using Assertive Training Techniques through Guidance This group should be developed using other methods by researchers furthermore.
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